Eino: CallOption 能力与规范
CallOption: 对 Graph 编译产物进行调用时,直接传递数据给特定的一组节点(Component、Implementation、Node)的渠道
- 和 节点 Config 的区别: 节点 Config 是实例粒度的配置,也就是从实例创建到实例消除,Config 中的值一旦确定就不需要改变了
- CallOption:是请求粒度的配置,不同的请求,其中的值是不一样的。更像是节点入参,但是这个入参是直接由 Graph 的入口直接传入,而不是上游节点传入。
- 举例:给一个 ChatModel 节点传入 Temperature 配置;给一个 Lambda 节点传入自定义 option。
组件 CallOption 形态
组件 CallOption 配置,有两个粒度:
- 组件的抽象(Abstract/Interface)统一定义的 CallOption 配置【组件抽象 CallOption】
- 组件的实现(Type/Implementation)定义的该类型组件专用的 CallOption 配置【组件实现 CallOption】
以 ChatModel 这个 Component 为例,介绍 CallOption 的形态
Model 抽象与实现的目录
// 抽象所在代码位置
├── interface.go
├── option.go // Component 抽象粒度的 CallOption 入参
// 抽象实现所在代码位置
├── claude
│ ├── option.go // Component 的一种实现的 CallOption 入参
│ └── chatmodel.go
├── ollama
│ ├── call_option.go // Component 的一种实现的 CallOption 入参
│ ├── chatmodel.go
Model 抽象
如上所述,在定义组件的 CallOption 时,需要区分【组件抽象 CallOption】、【组件实现 CallOption】两种场景。 而是否要提供 【组件实现 CallOption】,则是由 组件抽象 来决定的。
组件抽象提供的 CallOption 扩展能力如下(以 Model 为例,其他组件类似):
package model
type ChatModel interface {
Generate(ctx context.Context, input []*schema.Message, opts ...Option) (*schema.Message, error)
Stream(ctx context.Context, input []*schema.Message, opts ...Option) (
*schema.StreamReader[*schema.Message], error)
// BindTools bind tools to the model.
// BindTools before requesting ChatModel generally.
// notice the non-atomic problem of BindTools and Generate.
BindTools(tools []*schema.ToolInfo) error
// 此结构体是【组件抽象CallOption】的统一定义。 组件的实现可根据自己的需要取用【组件抽象CallOption】的信息
// Options is the common options for the model.
type Options struct {
// Temperature is the temperature for the model, which controls the randomness of the model.
Temperature *float32
// MaxTokens is the max number of tokens, if reached the max tokens, the model will stop generating, and mostly return an finish reason of "length".
MaxTokens *int
// Model is the model name.
Model *string
// TopP is the top p for the model, which controls the diversity of the model.
TopP *float32
// Stop is the stop words for the model, which controls the stopping condition of the model.
Stop []string
// Option is the call option for ChatModel component.
type Option struct {
// 此字段是为【组件抽象CallOption】服务的 apply 方法,例如 WithTemperature
// 如果组件抽象不想提供【组件抽象CallOption】,可不提供此字段,同时不提供 GetCommonOptions() 方法
apply func(opts *Options)
// 此字段是为【组件实现CallOption】服务的 apply 方法。并假设 apply 方法为:func(*T)
// 如果组件抽象不想提供【组件实现CallOption】,可不提供此字段,同时不提供 GetImplSpecificOptions() 方法
implSpecificOptFn any
// WithTemperature is the option to set the temperature for the model.
func WithTemperature(temperature float32) Option {
return Option{
apply: func(opts *Options) {
opts.Temperature = &temperature
// WithMaxTokens is the option to set the max tokens for the model.
func WithMaxTokens(maxTokens int) Option {
return Option{
apply: func(opts *Options) {
opts.MaxTokens = &maxTokens
// WithModel is the option to set the model name.
func WithModel(name string) Option {
return Option{
apply: func(opts *Options) {
opts.Model = &name
// WithTopP is the option to set the top p for the model.
func WithTopP(topP float32) Option {
return Option{
apply: func(opts *Options) {
opts.TopP = &topP
// WithStop is the option to set the stop words for the model.
func WithStop(stop []string) Option {
return Option{
apply: func(opts *Options) {
opts.Stop = stop
// GetCommonOptions extract model Options from Option list, optionally providing a base Options with default values.
func GetCommonOptions(base *Options, opts ...Option) *Options {
if base == nil {
base = &Options{}
for i := range opts {
opt := opts[i]
if opt.apply != nil {
return base
// 组件实现方基于此方法,封装自己的Option函数:func WithXXX(xxx string) Option{}
func WrapImplSpecificOptFn[T any](optFn func(*T)) Option {
return Option{
implSpecificOptFn: optFn,
// GetImplSpecificOptions provides tool author the ability to extract their own custom options from the unified Option type.
// T: the type of the impl specific options struct.
// This function should be used within the tool implementation's InvokableRun or StreamableRun functions.
// It is recommended to provide a base T as the first argument, within which the tool author can provide default values for the impl specific options.
func GetImplSpecificOptions[T any](base *T, opts ...Option) *T {
if base == nil {
base = new(T)
for i := range opts {
opt := opts[i]
if opt.implSpecificOptFn != nil {
optFn, ok := opt.implSpecificOptFn.(func(*T))
if ok {
return base
Claude 实现
package claude
import (
type options struct {
TopK *int32
func WithTopK(k int32) model.Option {
return model.WrapImplSpecificOptFn(func(o *options) {
o.TopK = &k
func (c *claude) genMessageNewParams(input []*schema.Message, opts ...model.Option) (anthropic.MessageNewParams, error) {
if len(input) == 0 {
return anthropic.MessageNewParams{}, fmt.Errorf("input is empty")
commonOptions := model.GetCommonOptions(&model.Options{
Model: &c.model,
Temperature: c.temperature,
MaxTokens: &c.maxTokens,
TopP: c.topP,
Stop: c.stopSequences,
}, opts...)
claudeOptions := model.GetImplSpecificOptions(&options{TopK: c.topK}, opts...)
// omit mulple lines...
return nil, nil
编排中的 CallOption
Graph 编译产物是 Runnable
type Runnable[I, O any] interface {
Invoke(ctx context.Context, input I, opts ...Option) (output O, err error)
Stream(ctx context.Context, input I, opts ...Option) (output *schema.StreamReader[O], err error)
Collect(ctx context.Context, input *schema.StreamReader[I], opts ...Option) (output O, err error)
Transform(ctx context.Context, input *schema.StreamReader[I], opts ...Option) (output *schema.StreamReader[O], err error)
Runnable 各方法均接收 compose.Option 列表。
包括 graph run 整体的配置,各类组件的配置,特定 Lambda 的配置等。
// Option is a functional option type for calling a graph.
type Option struct {
options []any
handler []callbacks.Handler
paths []*NodePath
maxRunSteps int
// DesignateNode set the key of the node which will the option be applied to.
// notice: only effective at the top graph.
// e.g.
// embeddingOption := compose.WithEmbeddingOption(embedding.WithModel("text-embedding-3-small"))
// runnable.Invoke(ctx, "input", embeddingOption.DesignateNode("my_embedding_node"))
func (o Option) DesignateNode(key ...string) Option {
nKeys := make([]*NodePath, len(key))
for i, k := range key {
nKeys[i] = NewNodePath(k)
return o.DesignateNodeWithPath(nKeys...)
// DesignateNodeWithPath sets the path of the node(s) to which the option will be applied to.
// You can make the option take effect in the subgraph by specifying the key of the subgraph.
// e.g.
// DesignateNodeWithPath({"sub graph node key", "node key within sub graph"})
func (o Option) DesignateNodeWithPath(path ...*NodePath) Option {
o.paths = append(o.paths, path...)
return o
// WithEmbeddingOption is a functional option type for embedding component.
// e.g.
// embeddingOption := compose.WithEmbeddingOption(embedding.WithModel("text-embedding-3-small"))
// runnable.Invoke(ctx, "input", embeddingOption)
func WithEmbeddingOption(opts ...embedding.Option) Option {
return withComponentOption(opts...)
compose.Option 可以按需分配给 Graph 中不同的节点。
// 所有节点都生效的 call option
compiledGraph.Invoke(ctx, input, WithCallbacks(handler))
// 只对特定类型节点生效的 call option
compiledGraph.Invoke(ctx, input, WithChatModelOption(WithTemperature(0.5))
// 只对特定节点生效的 call option
compiledGraph.Invoke(ctx, input, WithCallbacks(handler).DesignateNode("node_1"))
// 只对特定内部嵌套图或其中节点生效的 Call option
compiledGraph.Invoke(ctx, input, WithCallbacks(handler).DesignateNodeWithPath(NewNodePath("1", "2"))
January 22, 2025
: docs: update eino doc (#1215) (805b4b6)