protobuf 使用示例
RPC Client
编写 IDL
// hello.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package hello;
option go_package = "cwgo/rpc/hello";
message HelloReq {
string Name = 1;
message HelloResp {
string RespBody = 1;
service HelloService {
rpc Method1(HelloReq) returns(HelloResp);
Note: 项目位于非 GOPATH 下必须指定 gomod,GOPATH 下默认以相对于 GOPATH 的路径作为名字,可不指定 gomod。
cwgo client --type RPC --idl hello.proto --server_name hellotest --module {{your_module_name}} -I .
生成的代码目录结构及文件含义与 thrift 类似,详见 生成代码。
HTTP Client
编写 IDL
编写一个简单的 IDL 用于生成 HTTP Server,需要添加 api.$method
与 api.base_domain
注解用于填充 uri
与 host
,详见 Hertz IDL 注解说明。
创建 api.proto
// api.proto; 注解拓展
syntax = "proto2";
package api;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option go_package = "cwgo/http/api";
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional string raw_body = 50101;
optional string query = 50102;
optional string header = 50103;
optional string cookie = 50104;
optional string body = 50105;
optional string path = 50106;
optional string vd = 50107;
optional string form = 50108;
optional string js_conv = 50109;
optional string file_name = 50110;
optional string none = 50111;
// 50131~50160 used to extend field option by hz
optional string form_compatible = 50131;
optional string js_conv_compatible = 50132;
optional string file_name_compatible = 50133;
optional string none_compatible = 50134;
// 50135 is reserved to vt_compatible
// optional FieldRules vt_compatible = 50135;
optional string go_tag = 51001;
extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
optional string get = 50201;
optional string post = 50202;
optional string put = 50203;
optional string delete = 50204;
optional string patch = 50205;
optional string options = 50206;
optional string head = 50207;
optional string any = 50208;
optional string gen_path = 50301; // The path specified by the user when the client code is generated, with a higher priority than api_version
optional string api_version = 50302; // Specify the value of the :version variable in path when the client code is generated
optional string tag = 50303; // rpc tag, can be multiple, separated by commas
optional string name = 50304; // Name of rpc
optional string api_level = 50305; // Interface Level
optional string serializer = 50306; // Serialization method
optional string param = 50307; // Whether client requests take public parameters
optional string baseurl = 50308; // Baseurl used in ttnet routing
optional string handler_path = 50309; // handler_path specifies the path to generate the method
// 50331~50360 used to extend method option by hz
optional string handler_path_compatible = 50331; // handler_path specifies the path to generate the method
extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
optional int32 http_code = 50401;
// 50431~50460 used to extend enum option by hz
extend google.protobuf.ServiceOptions {
optional string base_domain = 50402;
// 50731~50760 used to extend service option by hz
optional string base_domain_compatible = 50731;
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
// optional FieldRules msg_vt = 50111;
optional string reserve = 50830;
// 550831 is reserved to msg_vt_compatible
// optional FieldRules msg_vt_compatible = 50831;
创建 hello.proto
// hello.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package hello;
option go_package = "cwgo/http/hello";
import "api.proto";
message HelloReq {
string Name = 1[(api.query)="name"];
message HelloResp {
string RespBody = 1;
service HelloService {
rpc Method1(HelloReq) returns(HelloResp) {
option (api.get) = "/hello";
Note: 项目位于非 GOPATH 下必须指定 gomod,GOPATH 下默认以相对于 GOPATH 的路径作为名字,可不指定 gomod。
cwgo client --type HTTP --idl hello.proto --server_name hellotest --module {{your_module_name}}
生成的代码目录结构及文件含义与 thrift 类似,详见 生成代码。
March 7, 2025
: doc: update plugin install guide (#1272) (5903886)